Running Doesn’t Change A Thing…

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Maybe the title of this blog post made you start thinking… ‘what is that supposed to mean?’….   Just read through to the end, and you’ll find out!
As I was going about doing my household chores the other day, I was thinking a lot about my lost family. I was thinking and talking with God about the choices they have made. The condition of the backsliders heart is so sad. I can’t imagine how it would feel to know you knowingly walked away from the Creator of the Universe, the One who gave His life so you could be free.  What deception the enemy has caused. I hate the devil so much for his deception. He is a liar, and the father of all lies (John 8:44). The way that he has made members of my family think God doesn’t love them makes me want to punch him. He will get what’s coming to him, but in the mean time I’m purposing to be his worst nightmare.
How? By praying. I won’t stop praying until I see my family, and loved ones, saved.   Even when I don’t see results. See, in the past I have stopped praying. I have turned my eyes and let my heart become cold to the lost because I wasn’t seeing results. I felt like God just couldn’t do it. But see, that’s where that deceptive devil steps in and does his job.  He wants you to give up on the backslider, just like he tricked  the backslider into giving up on God.
Now, back to my title. “Running Doesn’t Change A Thing…”   It doesn’t matter who is doing the running… a preacher can run from his calling, but that doesn’t change his calling. Likewise, a backslider can run from God, but it doesn’t change the way God loves him.  God still loves the backslider.  Look at the picture in Hosea, God told him to marry a prostitute.  He wanted to show Israel how even though she was prostituting herself out to other lovers (gods), she was still God’s wife.  God is still married to the backslider. And just as He sent Hosea to buy his wife back, He is pursing the backslider. Why? Because, God loves the backslider and does not want them to perish.  
Perhaps you have been running from God.  Perhaps you feel you have been running too long and have ran too far.  I have good news for you, if you will stop and turn around…. you will run smack dab into Goodness & Mercy? Why because God sent Goodness and Mercy to follow you all the days of your life when you first gave your life to Him.  It’s time to stop running from God and to start running toward him.. the farther you run from Him and into despair and dejection, into sickness and rejection, into desperation and hopelessness, the harder and faster God sends His Goodness and Mercy after you…. and if you turn around, they will overtake you! 
Come back to your first love. Let His love wash over you and make you new… It’s never too late.